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"Passive Income - Making Money From Home" by C Wong

Passive income as opposing to active income are accrued gains made from 'inactive' involvement in a making money process. This technique supplements your full-time job a well as various financial investments one does and they are great because not only that you do not need your own product or service, but you do not even need to keep promoting them every single month just to keep the money coming.

However, don't be fooled by scammers who provide offers that promise every lazy marketer a dream.

Here are the main benefits of joining programs that bring huge passive income. You do not need to spend time researching and developing own products or services. You can get started right away with minimum guidance. You get paid for every sale you make and recurring income thereafter.

Once up and going, you can have more free time to build other source of income. Now the internet is loaded with products that have affiliate programs that you can join. There are some programs, which are pyramid schemes and a lot of scams too.

To be pragmatic, even the simplest lazy form of online passive income campaign involves some form of work and effort put in. Don't be boned by scam artists that offer campaigns that works for the laziest of the lazy. In reality, it just does not work that way. What they don't tell you is you need to pay a hefty sum for that.

Here is the real fact - earnings from a passive income business does not require direct involvement from the owner or merchant. For instance if you are publishing a book online, all you need to spend is some fees of posting your product and agreed percentage cut that was given to the vendor for helping you to market the product. To get more exposure, you will need to spend some on third-party marketing agencies online such as link building services, banner ads, blogging and reviews.

Passive income can be semi-automated and fully automated. Semi-automated are methods that require you to build some ground work before your campaign can operate and start generating income streams. This method needs strong foundation and full commitment at the very early stage. The failure to secure this will result in failure. Semi-automated methods requires very small startup costs and sometimes, almost free.

Some examples of this are niche blogging, banner and link ads, affiliate reviews, online real estate broker, e-commerce affiliates or personal e-commerce store etc.

Fully automated methods are referred as a lazy marketer's method. This system are perfected by their vendors so that when you register and pay, they will tap your details into it and start making money. The advantages are, you don't have to worry about the ground work such as the setup, installation and marketing. This is because those tasks comes in the form of what you have already pay for.

Some examples of this are turnkey websites for banner and link ads, affiliate minisites, automated email lists, turnkey e-commerce sites, money making software's like forex, membership sites, training/coaching, investments etc.

Creating a passive income may not make you money, although the ultimate goal is to make lots of money passively. When creating a passive income, you are creating a system that does not trade time for money and in the process of creating this system, you may spend more than you earn.

Many people can't get pass the idea of losing money before making money. That's why most people fail to create their first passive income online. On the contrary, those who are 'lucky' enough to create their first stream of passive income online will continue to create the second stream and third stream because they're used to the idea of losing some money before getting it all back, multiplied.

Another reason is because with their first passive income established, their risk appetite is higher and they are more willing to lose. The last reason is because they are more experienced now. If you've just started out, go find a job to make money. But don't spent too much time on it. Take 3-5% of your monthly income and most of your spare time to create a passive income online.

What you need to note that even passive income can be made from home, you must not forget the responsibilities of being a citizen. Passive income is taxable, applies to all fully automated businesses, especially web-based.

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