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"Seize the Day - The Time is Now" by Lou Hohman

According to one of our more illustrious forefathers, William Penn, "time is what we want most, but use worst." So, here are some questions I might ask myself: 
What percentage of my time do I: 
  • Live in the past, wallowing in regret for things not done or done poorly.
  • Live by the saddest words of tongue or pen, "It might have been".
  • Expect bad history to repeat itself.
  • Live in the future,"It's going to be better."
  • Dream dreams, but neglect the reality of now.

The Latin, "Age quod agis" simply means "Do what you're doing". That statement should have a distressing grip on the obvious, but nothing could be further from the truth, for many of the reasons given above. For some reason we find it easier to live in the aura of past sweet memories or in dreams of what will be when our ship comes in. 
The present moment is what we have in reality. That's why we call it "the present" because it's our most precious gift. 
What are some of the advantages of being centered, of living in the here and now? 

  • A fuller experience of the beauty around us.
  • A sense of appreciation for gifts, including the gift of the moment.
  • We find and seize opportunities. By the way, Wayne Gretzky said, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

And as the dancer Gene Kelly reminds us, "We have to improvise our happiness with such rough materials as fall to hand". Waiting can be deadly! 
Some time ago a friend gave me a little green stone on which was inscribed another Latin phrase, "carpe diem" - Seize the day! By carrying it around in my pocket, it reminds me that all I really have is this moment. I need to use it, spend it in the best way I can.

And so my suggestion to you is CARPE DIEM!

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