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"What If Someone Kills Your Brother?" by Raymond D Reifinger

We are all brothers and sisters! If you are a Christian, nothing else needs to be said. If you are not a Christian, being an American means not being cutthroat, but helping your family, relatives and friends in their time of need. When we go to war it's not just to protect our families, but to protect "all" Americans. Sure we want to protect our families, but there is more to it than that. In other words, we are all in this together, we are Americans.

If I told you every day a foreign country is sending troops to our country and killing over 3,000 Americans what would you do? Would you do nothing? Would you go over and sit on your couch and watch television? Would you join one of the armed forces to stop these troops? What would you do? My guess is you would do something, anything, but you would try to help stop this invasion.

Now what if I told you these foreign troops were killing only women and children and they were killing more and more every day? Would that get you even more upset? Maybe you would just simply do nothing. After all you're a man and their not gunning for you. Maybe you would just ignore the problem and it might go away by itself. You could leave the country until everything goes back to normal. It is possible it doesn't concern you at all and you go and sit on the couch and watch that television. In my opinion you probably would do something, we are talking about women and children being massacred at over 3,000 a day!

Well, what if all that was untrue? Actually these foreign troops are only killing babies. Just babies, no one else. Yes, over 3,000 of them every day. I think that would really get you upset! I hope it would get you upset. It would get me upset! I mean babies are totally defenseless. They can't protect themselves. What would you do now? Would you just sit there? Would you do nothing? Would you go back to your television? Would you ignore it and hopefully they will go away? What would you do?

Good news. None of that is happening! However, I will tell you what is happening. Unborn babies, the most tiny, vulnerable and defenseless of all are being killed at a rate of over 3,000 a day and no one is doing anything. We are just sitting there on the couch watching our televisions. No one even talks about it, because it's embarrassing. Not only that, but it has been going on for years and still no one does a thing. The total number is now over 53,310,843 and going strong. It is more than the population of California and Illinois combined by approximately 3,226,255 and there is no sign of it stopping.

Silly me, but I think this massacre is getting out of hand. I too sat on the couch and watched television, but I can't do it anymore. I can't sit there and do nothing. I can't ignore it. I don't want to ignore it. I suppose I was waiting for someone else to do something. I waited and waited, nothing happened. There is no one, but you and me. If we don't do anything, there will be no one else. Don't you think 53,310,843 unborn babies is a bit over the top? I love babies, don't you?

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