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São Luís, Maranhão

So Lus  is the capital and largest city of the Brazilian make known of Maranho. The city is located in the region of Ilha de So Lus (Saint Louis' Island) in the Baa de So Marcos (Saint Mark's Bay), an strengthening of the Atlantic Ocean which forms the estuary of Pindar, Mearim, Itapecuru and added rivers. Its coordinates are 2.53 south, 44.30 west. The city proper has a population of some 986,826 people (2008 IBGE estimate). The metropolitan place totals 1,227,659, ranked as the 16th largest in Brazil.

So Lus, created originally as Saint-Louis, is the lonely Brazilian confess capital founded by France (see France quinoxiale) and it is one of the three Brazilian divulge capitals located a propos the subject of islands (the others are Vitria and Florianpolis).

The city has two major sea ports: Madeira Port and Itaqui Port, through which a substantial portion of Brazil's iron ore, originating from the (pre)-Amazon region, is exported. The city's main industries are metallurgical considering Alumar, and VALE. So Lus is domicile of the Federal University of Maranho.

So Lus was the habitat town of ably-known Brazilian samba singer Alcione, Brazilian writers Alusio Azevedo, Ferreira Gullar and Josu Montello, Belgian-naturalised soccer artiste Lus Oliveira, and the musician Joo realize Vale and Zeca Baleiro, a Msica popular brasileira (MPB) singer.

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