"Traffic Jam In Cyberspace" by Chibuike Mbakamma

Since the advent of the Internet, mankind has never been the same. The ability to take optimal advantage of this revolutionary technology known as the Internet has become a conditio sine qua non for commercial, academic, medical and even romantic success. It is therefore no longer surprising that Internet Domain Names are becoming more valuable than physical real estate. This can be attributed to the fact that a good domain name or website has been proven beyond reasonable doubt to have the capacity to: (a) Establish credibility on the Internet (b) Generate enormous amounts of revenue for the owner. (c) Provide a unique means of identification in Cyberspace. (d) Serve as collateral (Incredible?) And so on.
Having established the necessity of a good website or domain name, the importance of website traffic cannot be over-emphasized.
Website traffic refers to the visitors to a website. The success of a website is directly proportional to the number of visitors who access the site. The key difference between successful websites and their less successful counterparts is the ability to attract and retain visitors. The question now arises: How can I attract, retain and increase traffic to my website or blog ?
(1) Advertise:
This is one of the most efficient ways of attracting sustainable Internet Traffic to your site. Pay-Per-Click adverts such as AdWords from Google and Overture from Yahoo have evolved to become the best form of Internet advertisement. Research indicates that advertisers enjoy better Return On Investment (ROI) from Pay-Per-Click adverts.
(2) Make use of Internet Directories:
Endeavor to submit your site to as many Internet directories as possible. This will ensure that you have many links to your site and also improve your site's search engine ranking.
(3) Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
This involves the use of proper keywords and phrases within the content of a site in order to enhance a site's search engine ranking. This means that the owner of a site that deals with Forex trading can enhance the search engine ranking by placing the words Forex and/or Trading at strategic points within the website content.
(4) Become an Expert Author:
Write articles relating to your field and publish with as many article sites as possible. This will enable you to establish numerous back links to your site. It will also enhance your credibility in your particular market.
(5) Offer Newsletters and read your mail:
This will enable you to establish a relationship with your visitors. This means that they will keep coming back.
(6) Take Advantage of Viral Marketing:
Viral marketing involves the distribution of free materials such as ebooks which contain links to your website(s). You can give out the materials with resell rights so that it will get to more people.
(7) Provide Relevant and Qualitative Content:
This is a proven way of ensuring that your visitors keep returning. If you are able to provide content which satisfies your visitors, then you can be sure that they will keep coming back.
(8) Provide Free Content:
It is easy to entice your visitors with free content on your site. The free content might be the only reason why some of them will keep returning.
(9) Join Forums and Online Communities:
If you join forums and are able to establish yourself as an expert in your field, then the members of your forum will not need much incentive to visit your site to avail themselves of your expertise.
(10) Promote your site offline:
You can promote your site offline among your business associates, friends and family.