"What is the Best Way to Make Money on the Internet For the Average Person?" by M Wilson
If you are like me it's hard to surf the internet or even check your email without someone trying to sell you what they claim to be the best way to make money on the internet. So what are these offers and are they real or are these people just trying to rip us off?
I have been making a nice living from home on the internet for over 10 years so I do know it is possible. But I have bought a lot of these work from home ideas and most of it is garbage.
Even before the internet there were people always trying to sell ways to make money. For a long time most of these were usually people involved in network marketing or mlm. In network marketing the idea is to sponsor people who sponsor other people and eventually you build a team of sales people and you make money off of all their efforts. This can make a lot of money but for most people it never works.
The reason network marketing doesn't work for most people is it takes a lot of skills that most people don't have and most are not willing to go through the process of learning. You have to become good at sales and leadership and to succeed the average person would basically have to transform and become a different person. Most people are not willing to do that. I would recommend you do it just for your own personal growth but the fact is most people won't and most people lose money in that industry.
Now with the internet things have changed a little and now most of the ways to make money on the internet being sold are usually some form of internet marketing. They teach you how to sell things on the internet. Even the "type from home" programs that promise that you can make money typing from home are actually selling internet marketing. When you get the product they then tell you that if you type enough advertisements on the internet someone might buy something from you and you might make money. Most of this whole work from home industry is just people making money selling information about how to make money by selling people information about how to make money.
So does it work? It can, for some it does but most it doesn't. There are other ways to make money on the internet such as creating websites and blogs and other internet content and selling affiliate programs but it's highly competitive. That's what everybody is doing now and it's hard to stand out in that industry but it is possible and some are able to pull it off.
Just like with network marketing or most professions, with internet marketing you have to learn skills in order to be successful with it.
There is another way to make money on the internet that is often overlooked and most people just don't know about it. The biggest reason for that is because nobody has to promote it or share it with others in order to make money. What I am talking about is the forex or foreign exchange. This is where you make money buying and selling foreign currencies. The forex is by far the biggest market in the world.
You might be thinking it sounds difficult or complex. But it's not, it's probably the easiest business you can do. You just sign up with a broker online, some with as little as $50 to put toward your account. Then with the click of a mouse you can buy and sell world currencies instantly. When the Euro is going up you push the buy button. After it has moved up you push the sell button and sell it instantly for a higher price and take your profits.
The more difficult part is knowing when to buy and when to sell but now there is software that will do all of this for you. Some of the smartest market analysts in the world have put together programs that will monitor the markets for you and look for the buy and sell signals and trade the markets for you. Some of these programs are bringing in incredible profits month after month.
For me this is the best way to make money on the internet for the average person who does not want to have to become a marketer? I put the link to the program I use below. It doesn't cost very much and you can watch it trade live right now.